Rust Family Foundation

Archaeology Grants Program

Final Report Guidelines

Overall report:  Final reports should be of a length suitable to provide a detailed summary of project findings covered by the RFF grant. One or more clear, line drawing maps should be provided of all sites surveyed and locations excavated, as well as illustrations and/or photographs of any new major finds

Background: Briefly review your project’s history, significance and methodology.  Please include details on any changes in personnel, scheduling, or other data which differ from those described in the original proposal, and which are important to understanding the project outcome.

Goals:  Restate (in outline form) the main goals of your funded project, then describe how you were able to meet those goals.

Methodologies and findings:   Methodologies and findings: All surveyed areas and test excavations should be individually described by location, with maps and plans showing any significant features. Representative artifacts should be described and illustrated. If the funded project specifically involves the creation of maps or photographic records, examples of such maps and/or photos should be an essential part of the report. Laboratory findings should be described in sufficient detail to present the methods employed, to show trends as well as any unusual findings, and to evaluate the sampling procedures used

Conclusions:  In a few paragraphs, describe conclusions you have been able to draw from this year's findings. How have these new findings contributed to improved understanding of the cultural history of this region or provided new evidence toward our interpretation of the human past?

Ongoing plans, including final publication:  What are your continued plans for the region/project?   Did findings from the funded project change your goals for further research in this area? What is your schedule now for final publication of your findings?

Financial report: Please provide a detailed (line by line) report on how RFF funds were utilized, including discussion if necessary of any discrepancies from the original budget.  If RFF did not cover entire expenses include a description of how remaining funds were procured.

Report for website: A summary of each project will be included on the Foundation website for each year's funded projects. With the consent of the grantee, parts of the final report are included in the web report for that project, along with photographs, maps, and figures provided by the grantee. No information will be released in the Foundation's web reports without the consent of the grantee, and full respect will be accorded the grantee's control of the publication of their findings. 

Organization of the web reports will be under the following headings:

•    Importance of the Site/Project
•    Previous Work at the Site/region
•    Current Project
o    Goals:
o    Methodology:
o    Results from Rust Family Foundation grant
o    references or bibliography

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Archaeology Grants Program w/map  

Recent Foundation Grants in archaeology

Guidelines for grant proposals (RFP) for 2020


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